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Nicole DeAvillaĀ is a multi-title international bestselling author.Ā 

The Future of Sacred Yoga Therapy

The Seed of Pure Potential

Practice: Wisdom from the Downward Dog

The Two Minute Yoga Solution

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The Future of Sacred Yoga Therapy looks at holistic health and wellness in your life and professional workplace, providing opportunities for you to educate and empower yourself with preventative approaches for improving physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Written by certified Yoga Therapists, the authors present expert guidance, stories of growth, and share their journeys into integrative healthcare through Yoga Therapy. All the authors in this collaboratively written book are certified by The International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) a non-profit organization that offers certifications, training programs, accreditations, research publications, and academic conferences.
100% of this bookā€™s paperback royalties are being donated to the non-profit: The International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT).

How can you get consistent stress and back pain relief without a large investment of time or money?Ā 

In The Two Minute Yoga Solution, you'll discover how a consistent practice of Two Minute Yoga will give you better, longer-lasting results than longer practices done less often.Ā 

Based on years of scientific research and real-life testimonials, The 2 Minute Yoga Solutions shows how the daily practice of 2 Minute Yoga is the best way to combat stress and back pain... consistently.Ā 

Plus, the 2 Minute Yoga sequences are enjoyable, safe, simple, and easy to do.Ā 

Practice: Wisdom from the Downward Dog offers a beautiful expression of tranquility and movement, of stillness and action, of sacredness and aliveness...

This inspiring collection of stories brings you into the heart and soul of 48 yogis who have transformed their lives through the power and practice of yoga and meditation.

Through their vulnerable and wise reflections, you will discover your own spark and motivation to deepen into your practice and understand the connection between your physical vessel and conscious state.

The Seed of Pure Potential is a collection of wishes, stories, poems, and art for personal transformation.

ItĀ brings you life-altering messages that celebrate individual differences, who we are at the core, and offers glimpses into our shared humanity. Authors and artists have gathered from around the world to leave legacies, share ancient and ancestral wisdom, open minds, and inspire the future. It has been curated to speak out on subjects that society has been known to shroud in silence.

The Seed Series brings together 27 authors and artists from around the world to offer you their healing magic. These three books reveal the potential that lies within your heart, leads you to uncover possibilities within yourself, and guides you to embrace ultimately creating individual and global transformation.